Adding Merchandise to Registration forms
Editing and deleting a Merchandise
Merchandise can be created, managed, and offered for purchase to participants and teams. Administrators can track and fulfill orders using the Orders Report, and view purchase details through the Transaction Report. Merchandise is available for purchase during registration or at anytime from the Shop.
Creating a Merchandise
To begin, select Shop from the main menu on the left-hand side, then select Merchandise sub-tab. On the Merchandise page, you will see previously created merchandise products. Choose the Add Merchandise button to create a new Merchandise.
You will need to fill out all the details such as Merchandise name, description, price and stock keeping units. Merchandise name field has a 100- character limit, whereas the description field has a 140-character limit.
Images of the merchandise can be added by selecting Upload Image, with additional images added the same way. Images will accompany the product displayed on the registration form. To delete an image, hover your cursor over the image and select Delete Image.
Merchandise can either be Single items (no variations) such as a ball or a whistle, or they will contain variations, such as different sizes or colours. Use the toggle to select the appropriate option. Variations will appear in a dropdown menu at the registration stage to allow for the appropriate selection.
You will need to enter the Category title, followed by the relevant options(see examples below) for the Variations. You can also add the multiple Category titles using the Add Category button.
The Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is optional and can assist in tracking inventory. Set the price and availability for each.
Please note: There must be at least two variations in order to save.
The Fulfilment method is displayed on the registration form and refers to Pick up or Delivery. Custom Fields can also be added, allowing participants to provide responses from a dropdown menu or text box, and will be included in the registration form.
You can make your Merchandise available on the Shop page and on registration forms by setting its visibility to Active.
Once you are satisfied with the details entered, select the ‘Save’ button in the top right-hand corner. This option will only be active when every mandatory field (including product variations) is completed.
Viewing Merchandise
Once Merchandise has been created, it will appear on the Products landing page. To access this, select Shop from the main menu on the left-hand side. Under the Merchandise sub-tab, you will see the product name, variations (if applicable), the price (or price range) and the merchandise’s status. You can select either an Active or Inactive product, using the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
Adding Merchandise to Registration forms
You have the option to either create new merchandise while configuring the registration form or include an existing merchandise. To access the registration form, navigate to the Competition or Program Season, then select Registration, and then Set up or Manage option of the appropriate registration form.Once here, you can include an existing merchandise by searching and selecting the appropriate product from the Products search bar. Merchandise can also be set as mandatory for purchase during registration.
Once the merchandise is included, the list can be adjusted by dragging and dropping the product to determine the order of display on the registration form. You will be able to set the maximum quantity of the product that will be available per registration. Products can be removed by selecting the bin icon.
To create Merchandise using the registration form, click the "Create a New Product" button and select Merchandise. A window will pop-up, prompting you to enter Merchandise details. Once all the details have been entered, click the Save button to add the merchandise on your registration form.
Adding Merchandise to Shop
Active and Inactive Merchandise products can be edited by selecting the ‘Edit’ button.
Once on the merchandise page , you will be able to edit each field. To delete merchandise, simply click the bin icon located at the bottom of the page.
Please note: A product or variation cannot be deleted if it is being used on a registration form, or it has already been purchased. To prevent the product from appearing on registration forms, a product can be made inactive.
Registration forms
When a product is created and added to the registration form, a Products tab will appear in the registration process prior to the "Payment & Summary" page. This will include each of the relevant products included on the registration form.