If a game is required to be reverted to the original status of Upcoming after the results have been entered. It is possible to do so through Game Day or the grade's fixture in the PlayHQ admin portal.
Through Game Day
In order to do this, select Game Day from main menu on the left-hand side, and then select the relevant date of the game you wish to amend.
Once you find the game you wish to update, select Details.
Through the Grade's Fixture
To update the results via the grade's fixture, you will need to select Competition Management from the main menu on the left-hand side and then choose the relevant competition and season tile. From here, select the relevant grade and the Fixture tab.
Once you have arrived at the grade's fixture, select the 3-dot menu on the relevant game and choose Update Scores & Stats.
Updating the results
Once you have navigated to the relevant game via game day or competition management, select Edit Game.
A pop-up will then appear, confirming if you wish to update the results.
Note: If an e-Scoring session is in place, the Edit function will not be active.
Remove the scores from each of the boxes so there are no digits, characters or symbols (when scores are removed, the default symbol will revert to '-' ). Once removed, selected Update & Save.
A success message will then appear with the updated results. Select Done if you are satisfied with the change.
You will then arrive at the fixtures with the game's status as Upcoming.
Through E-Scoring
There is also an option to reset the game from the E-scoring menu. This can be used when a game is being live scored and needs to be reset. Resetting a game will remove all player and coach lineup changes, as well as all scores, fouls, and timeouts from the game if these had been recorded. To reset the game, select the game ellipses (or 3-dot) menu in the top left corner of the form, then choose Reset Game.
A confirmation prompt will be displayed. Select OK to continue.
Finally, enter the session 4-digit number PIN, then select Confirm.