The Game Details page allows you to manage all aspects of a game from entering players, team scores, editing game scores, and overriding game results. Game results can also be overridden ie. by selecting abandoned, cancelled, forfeits etc.
To access Game Details for a particular game, select the Game Day menu. You will then arrive at a page with a list of games displayed for that day. The default view will be for the current day’s date. If you are searching for games on a different day, use the Calendar to select the date.
With the correct list of games showing, select the relevant game's 'Details' button to view the Game Details page.
Once you have arrived at the game details page, select Edit.
Locked Games
Games are locked if scoring is currently live or if results are submitted via electronic scoring. A warning will appear if the Edit result button is clicked.
Games with current live scoring
To override game results, click Yes, Edit Game
Games without current live scoring
To override game results, click Edit Result
Set Override Result
When editing the game details, select the type of override from the drop down on the right-hand side. Once this is chosen, select the 'Update changes' button to confirm your override selection.
The game status on the left may change according to the override selection and you'll receive a notification of success message.
The table below provides information regarding each Override Result option.
Note: Game details will also allow you to edit team and participant scores and adjust player line-ups if required.