Configuring the Fixture’s Settings
Without a fixture, there can be no competition. That is why it is one of the most important components of the competition management in PlayHQ.
Before you begin generating a grade’s fixture, please ensure the correct teams are allocated to the grade. For more information on how to allocate teams to a grade, please click here.
Accessing Fixture
To begin, select Competition Management from the main menu, choose the relevant competition and season, and go to the Grades tab.
When a grade has two or more teams allocated for the season, the Generate Fixture button next to the grade's name will become active. After allocating teams to the grade, select Generate Fixture to begin the process.
Configuring the Fixture’s Settings
There is a difference in the fixture settings for different competition types. The below images outlines this.
Domestic Competition:
Home & Away/Tournament Competition:
The distinct difference here is that the Home & Away and Tournament Competition offer a Round Robin feature.
On the Fixture Settings page, enter the Grade start date, Start fixture from round, the number of rounds (not including finals) and the Frequency of games. The system sets up the grade starting from a date falling on the selected day of the week.
Note: Administrators can start the fixture from round 10 or earlier, but not beyond.
The Finals toggle is set to active by default, but you can deactivate this by switching the toggle off. We recommend setting up finals while generating the fixture. However, if you do not set it up and wish to do so later, you can.
Several standard finals formats are available for selection, each with progression rules in place that automatically advance a team through the rounds of finals. A custom finals game can be added to a standard finals format if required at a later time.
Standard Format:
Custom Format:
If standard finals formats do not meet your requirements, a custom format can be created. You will have the ability to select the number of rounds, and finals games are created manually in each round. Teams will need to be manually progressed by an administrator.
Finally, set any exception dates for the fixture. Games will not be scheduled on an exception date when the fixture is generated. You can choose to adopt or ignore any pre-existing exception dates set at the season level by selecting or deselecting the checkbox.
When each field has been populated, select Review Fixture (in the top right-hand corner). A summary of the fixture will be presented to you for final review, including the relevant exception dates and finals dates.
If you notice any mistakes, select the Back button to take you back to the previous step. Once you have reviewed and are satisfied with the fixture, select Generate Fixture to create it.
Viewing the Fixture
Once a fixture has been generated for a grade, you will be able to view it by selecting Competition Management from the main menu on the left-hand side, and then choosing the appropriate Competition and Season tile, and selecting the Grades tab. Once here, select the View Fixture icon next to the appropriate grade. Alternatively, you can click on the Grade Name itself.
View Fixture | |
View Ladder | |
View Statistics | |
You cannot allocate teams to a grade that has already been fixtured | |
Allocate a Team | |
View Settings | |
Dropdown to view Teams allocated to grade |
You will then arrive on the Regular Season fixture page. Here, you can view finals scores of played games and check pending and upcoming games. Additionally, you have the option to edit game details and update scores and stats by selecting the 3-dot menu.
You can also access Finals games by selecting the sub-tab next to Regular Season.
Once the fixture is generated, you can allocate games to a court. For more information related to amendments and changes to fixtures, please see click here.