Generating Participants Report
Customising Competition Participants Report
Information Included in the Report
A Participants Report generates a list of all registered participants in a season, including the teams they have been allocated to. Responses to "Custom fields" questions present on the registration form are also captured in this report. Administrators can customise the report by adding filters or removing certain data sets. These customisations can also be saved for future use.
Generating Participants Report
To generate this report, navigate to Reports in the main menu on the left-hand side, select the Competitions tab and scroll down to the Participants Report.
Select the relevant Competition and Season. You may also wish to select a date range (this is optional). Once you are satisfied with the selections, click the Generate button.
Note: Administration Body Administrators (e.g. State level) will be able to generate the participants report of an organisation under their umbrella.
Select either "Go to Generated Reports" from the message at the bottom, or the Generated Reports tab to see the list of generated reports. From there, simply click the "Download" button to download the report in .CSV format.
Customising Competition Participants Report
Customising provides the ability to apply advanced filtering in the Competition Participant Report, allowing administrators to download only the data they need, effectively eliminating the need to manually manipulate the downloaded data.
To customise the Participants report, click the Customise button. Once on the "Customise Participant Report" page, you can add filters such as date of birth, gender, and privacy setting to refine the data. To view the list of available filters, click the All filters button.
The customisation feature also allows admins to select the fields they would like to see in the report. Once the necessary fields have been included and the filters have been added, you can save the template by selecting "Save as a New Template". To generate this customised report, click the "Generate" button.
Information Included in the Report
The Participants Report includes detailed information of each participant as a separate row, with the following participant details displayed as columns:
- Registration Timestamp
- First Name
- Last Name
- Preferred Name
- Profile ID
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Age Group
- Role
- Team
- Player Point Value
- Grade
- Status
- Cancellation reason
- School Details
- School Year
- Club
- Host Organisation
- Host Organisation ID
- Competition
- Competition Type
- Format
- Season
- Management access
- Privacy Setting
- Opted In To Marketing
- Account Holder
- Account Holder Mobile
- Account Holder Email
- Participant address
- Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander
- Disability Type
- Disability assistance
- WWC number (if registered as a coach or team manager)
- WWC expiry date (if registered as a coach or team manager)
- WWC state of issue (if registered as a coach or team manager)
Custom Fields (each field is a separate column in the report)
- For Association: a list of Participant custom fields created by association for the Competition/Season (displayed as columns in the report).
- For Club: a list of Participant custom fields created by association for the Competition/Season and made available to Club Profiles and Reports, followed by a list of Participant custom fields created by the club for the Competition/Season.
- Parent / Guardian 1 (First Name, Last Name, Mobile number, Email, Address, Suburb, Postcode, State, Country)
- Parent / Guardian 2 (First Name, Last Name, Mobile number, Email, Address, Suburb, Postcode, State, Country)
- Emergency Contact (First Name, Last Name, Mobile number, Email, Relationship)
Note: Administration Body Administrators (e.g. at State level) will not be able to see association or club custom field questions that they have created for their own participants.