Editing a regular season game that has not been finalised
Editing a regular season game that has been finalised
A regular season game can be edited by an association at any time, as long as the game has not been finalized (eg. The scores have been entered). However, limited editing capabilities are available if the game has been finalised.
Editing a regular season game that has not been finalised
To edit a game, select Competition Management from the main menu on the left-hand side, then choose the relevant Competition and Season tile, and then select the Grades tab. Select the View Fixture button of the relevant grade and then choose the 3-dot menu to reveal the Edit Game Details option.
A pop-out window will then appear, this is where you can edit the game's details. These details include selecting Home and Away teams (choose from a dropdown menu), a team swap function, Game alias and venue details.
When entering the allocation details, you can select a venue from the dropdown list, as well as the court. The date of the game will also need to be added, as well as a start time. The game’s end time will automatically populate based on the total game duration that is set for the grade in the grade’s settings.
To remove the game from the fixture, select Delete game.
Editing a regular season game that has been finalised
Once the game has been finalised, you will only be able to edit the allocation information, the game details (eg. home and away teams) will be greyed out and appear as read only.