Adding, deleting and configuring options for emails
The "Notifications" feature allows administrators to set up email addresses to receive notifications whenever a participant registers for a competition or program, or a transfer request is submitted. You can turn the notifications on or off at any point of time.
To enable notifications, navigate to My Organisation in the main menu on the left-hand side, then select Overview, and the choose the Notifications tab.
Adding, deleting and configuring options for emails
To add an email address, an admin should enter a valid email address and press the ‘+ Add’ button.
To delete an email address, an admin must press the trash can icon.
To change which types of notifications get sent to each email address, click the toggles.
To save any changes made to the page (new email addresses added or deleted, options changed, etc) press the ‘Update and Save’ button.
Note: When a new email address is added, the name of the admin who added it and the date it was added appear under the email address.
Email Notifications
When a participant registers for a competition or program, the configured email addresses set to receive notifications from that organisation will get two emails: one email containing registration information, and another with an invoice.
Each email contains the same subject line, differing only by the first word ('Invoice' and ‘Registration’).
If you prefer not to receive email notifications, every email sent as part of this feature includes an unsubscribe link.
Clicking the link will take you to an unsubscribe page where you can confirm your unsubscription.
Clicking the "Unsubscribe" button will remove your email address from all notifications sent from the sport.