Game Sheet Grade and Game Settings
Generating Game Sheets from Game Day
Generating Game Sheets from Game Details Page
Generating Game Sheets from Game's Page in My Teams
Game sheets offer a comprehensive overview of a game, including player line-ups, assigned coaches, and team managers. Administrators can download and print these sheets from the admin portal, while coaches and team managers (if granted permission) can access them through the participant portal. For games not scored electronically, the printed game sheets also provide a means for volunteers or game officials to manually record scores and results.
There are two types of game sheets: Basic and Advanced. Information about the differences between the two can be found here.
Each of these contain comprehensive details for the main elements required to score a game, such as:
- Name of Team A and Team B.
- Grade, Round, and unique 'Game Code' which can be used to identify a specific game.
- Date, Time, and Venue/Court.
- The players allocated to each team (listed in Player # order, maximum of 12 players per team).
- Fill-in players.
- The allocated coach (or coaches) for each team.
- Progressive score.
The PlayHQ system has four Netball game sheet templates that cover the variations of game format (halves vs quarters). For more information on how to amend the game sheet template, view managing grades.
Game Sheet Grade and Game Settings
Several settings across both Game and Grade configurations will impact:
- The game sheet used for a game in a specific grade.
- The data presented in a downloaded game sheet for a game in that grade.
This article focuses primarily on the Game and Grade settings.
Game setting
Two key Games setting that affect the game sheet:
- Game sheet template.
- Only display participants on game sheet when line-up is selected.
Game Sheet Template
You may choose from the Basic or advanced game sheet to use for games in a given grade.
Only Display Participants on Game Sheet When Line-Up is Selected
The following outcomes will occur when a game sheet is downloaded for a game in the grade with this setting:
- Enabled: Only participants added to the line-up will appear on the downloaded game sheet. If no one has been added to a team's line-up, no participants will be displayed on the downloaded game sheet.
- Disabled: If no line-up has been set for a team, all participants assigned to that team will appear on the downloaded game sheet.
Grade Setting
The one Grade setting that is relevant to the game sheet is:
- Allow clubs to access opposition team lineup on Gamesheets.
Allow Clubs to Access Opposition Team Line-Up on Game Sheets
When a game sheet is downloaded by a club admin or coach/team manager with "Manage" access for a game in the specified grade setting:
- Enabled: The downloaded game sheet will include line-ups for both teams, subject to the "Only Display Participants on Game Sheet When Line-Up is Selected" setting and whether a line-up has been selected for each team.
- Disabled: The downloaded game sheet will only include the line-up for the team of the club admin or participant with "Manage" access. This is also dependent on the "Only Display Participants on Game Sheet When Line-Up is Selected" setting and whether a line-up has been set for that team.
Note: “Full access" administrators at the Association level or above can download game sheets that include both teams, regardless of this setting.
Generating Game sheets
Game sheets can be generated from:
- The Game Day landing page
- A game's Game Details page
- Manage section of the participant portal.
Please note that only up to 30 game sheets can be generated at once.
Generating Game Sheets from Game Day
To generate game sheets from the Game Day section, start by selecting the Game Day main menu item. This will display the games scheduled for the current date. If you need to search for games on a different day, use the Calendar icon to choose the desired date. You can filter the games to display either All Grades or a Specific Grade. Once you’ve identified the relevant games, check the box next to each game for which you wish to generate a game sheet. Alternatively, you can select the checkbox in the column heading row to choose all games at once. After making your selections, click the Actions button and select "Generate Game Sheets" option from the drop-down list. The game sheets will then be generated and populated based on the settings previously discussed.
Generating Game Sheets from Game Details Page
To generate game sheets from the Game Details page, first click on the Game Day menu to view the list of scheduled games. Use the Calendar feature to select the desired date. Once you locate the relevant game, click the Details button to access its Game Details page. On this page, you will find the option to download the game sheet by clicking the Download Game Sheet button. The game sheet will be generated and populated according to the saved settings.
Generating Game Sheets from Game's Page in My Teams
As a participant with "Manage" access to a team, you can easily download the game sheet from the PlayHQ platform. To do so, log into your PlayHQ account and click on your name in the top right-hand corner. From the dropdown menu, select "My Account." Choose the team and fixture for which you want to download the game sheet. Click the Manage button, and then scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the option to download the game sheet. The game sheet will be generated and populated based on the previously discussed settings.