How do I register with a club on PlayHQ?
To register with a club or team, you need to have a PlayHQ account. Once on PlayHQ website, use the search bar to search for the club or association you wish to register with. If multiple organisations are shown in your search, deselect the sports you do not wish to participate in. Select the desired organisation and on its page, click the Register tab.You will then see the competitions or programs with open registrations. Choose the competition or program you wish to register for. For a step-by-step guide, please click here.
I do not remember my PlayHQ password, what should I do?
If you do not remember your password, you can reset it using the Password Reset option. Please make sure there are no whitespaces at the end or beginning of your email address. A password recovery link will be sent to the email address provided by the participant once a participant clicks on send recovery link button.
I do not have access to my email address and cannot login into PlayHQ anymore, how do I access my PlayHQ account?
If the participants do not have access to their old email address, then they can create a new PlayHQ account with a different email address. Once the account is created, participants can start the registration process. After filling out the participants details, you will be prompted to claim the existing profile. As part of the profiel claiming process, you will need to complete the verification process. If you can't complete the verification step, our team assist with pre-verify the profiles. When you reach the profile claiming step, please submit a request to Netball Australia’s Service and Support Team. Please ensure that your request includes your name, date of birth and email address associated with the account.
How do I update my email address associated with PlayHQ account?
To update the email address, log in to your PlayHQ account and click on your name in top-right hand corner, then click My account. Once in your account, click on the Profile tab and within the personal details section you can click on Change PlayHQ Email button.
Once you click on change email, enter the new email address you would like to use for your account, and click continue. Please note that when you change your email address, this change will take place everywhere this email is in use within Play HQ, including all the dependants registered using your email address.
I receive email must be valid error when I try to sign into PlayHQ account, what should I do?
"Email must be valid" error appears if there are whitespaces in the email address. Please ensure there are no leading or trailing whitespaces present in your email address when you enter it.
How do I update my name and date of birth on PlayHQ?
To update your name or date of birth on PlayHQ, please submit a request to Netball Australia’s Service and Support Team here. Please ensure that your request includes your current name, date of birth, and the email address associated with your account.
How do I set my profile to hidden so that my playing details are not visible on the PlayHQ website?
By setting your profile to private, you can ensure that your information is not displayed on the public portal of PlayHQ. To do so, first log in to your PlayHQ account. Select "My Account" from the drop-down menu and then click on the "Profile" tab. Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will find the Privacy Settings section. Click the Edit button to update the privacy of your account. Choose "Private", then click "Save" to apply your selection. For detailed instructions on changing your privacy settings, please refer to our article titled Managing privacy settings.
I have a government voucher. How can I redeem it?
You will find the option to redeem the Government voucher during the final stage of the registration process, which is "Payment & Summary". Select the voucher type, enter the voucher code, and click the "Apply" button to redeem it. For a step-by-step guide, please click here here.