Accessing the Registration Form
Configuring the Participant to Team Form
A Participant to Team registration form allows associations to enable participants to register directly with their team for the season. By configuring this registration form, associations can manage registration settings and fees for participants registering with their teams. It is important to note that this form is available exclusively to associations. In order to register, participants will need the registration link specific to their team.
Accessing the Registration Form
To begin, select Competition Management from the main menu, choose the relevant competition and season, then click on the Registration tab followed by the Association sub-tab. Under the Participant to Team section, you can either create a new form by choosing Set up Form or edit the existing one by clicking the button Manage.
Configuring the Participant to Team Form
Once on the registration form page, you will find several fields that need to be filled out, with a few being mandatory. These fields are as follows:
Edit Roles: This feature allows you to select who can register for the season. These roles include Player, Coach, Team Manager, Official and Volunteer.
Registration Period: This feature allows you to set the dates and times during which the registration form will be active. If participants access the form outside of this time frame, they will be unable to register.
Note: If a participant misses the registration period, it is possible to open the form by selecting a future date/time. To close the form, select a past date or time.
Registration Fees: Set the registration fee your organisation wishes to charge. You can view fees set by other organisations by selecting the corresponding arrow.
Note: When setting the player fee, you must enter a specific numerical value. If registration is free, enter $0. If you wish to charge a registration fee, enter an amount greater than $0. When setting a fee, remember to factor in the 2.03% PlayHQ processing fee. For further information about setting fees, click here.
Advanced Player Fees allow organisations to configure fee options tailored to various circumstances, such as age, gender, and whether participants are new or returning. Administrators can choose between two options for Advanced Player Fees: "Auto-Select" and "Manual-Select".
When the "Auto-Select" option is chosen, you will need to enter the date to calculate the participant's age, age range, gender and the fee to be charged. If a participant meets the criteria for an "Auto-Select" fee, they will be charged that fee instead of the standard fee. If a participant qualifies for multiple fees, they will be charged the lowest applicable amount.
The "Manual-Select" fee option provides an alternative to"Auto-Select" fees. It allows you to set different pricing tiers based on the criteria you define, such as new and existing members, concessions, juniors, and seniors. More information on "Manual-Select" fee option can be found here.
Hint: Fees will be automatically rolled over from the previous season's registration form (e.g. Winter 2024 rolled over to Winter 2025). This can help determine the fees for the current season.
Custom Fields can be created to capture additional participant information during the registration. This is a great way to capture specific details. For detailed instructions on configuring custom fields, please refer to our article titled "Custom Fields- Associations".
Note: Any existing custom fields created by Netball Australia or the Member Organisation will appear on the registration form.
Products can be created on the registration form itself during configuration or selected from previously added merchandise, fundraisers, and memberships. Information about adding merchandise can be found here. When listing pre-configured products, you can also mention the maximum quantity of the product that will be available per registration.
Information added in the Overview section will be displayed on the overview page of the registration form.
A 500-character limit applies to each of the "Pricing information" and "Additional information" fields.
Slide the toggle button to its active state to enable your organisation's Terms and Conditions to be viewed on the registration form.
Note: Terms and conditions can be added by navigating to My Organisation and selecting the Overview option from the main menu.
After entering all the relevant details, click the Save button. Upon successfully saving the registration form settings, the settings will be displayed in a preview tile.
These settings can be edited at any time by selecting the Manage option.
Participant to Team Link
Once the Participant to Team registration form is successfully saved, a unique URL will be generated for each team. This URL can be used by participants who need to register directly with their team. To access the URL, select the relevant competition and navigate to the appropriate team.
The team organiser who registers the team using a Team to Season registration form will automatically receive the unique "Participant to Team" link via email. This will include instructions to pass the link on to participants involved in the team.