How do I create a competition?
To create a competition, select Competition Management from the main menu, and then click the Add Competition button. Enter the required details, such as competition type, name, format, and visibility. A competition tile will be created on the Competition Management landing page. For more details about setting up a competition, please click here.
I have created a competition by mistake, how do I delete it?
You can delete a competition by selecting the relevant Competition tile, and then selecting the Settings tab. Under the General sub-tab, select Delete competition, located at the bottom of the page. For a step-by-step guide, please click here.
I have created the competition; how do I create a season?
How do I edit a regular season game?
To edit a regular season game, choose the relevant Competition and Season tile, then click the Grades tab. Select the View Fixture button of the relevant grade and then choose the 3-dot menu to reveal the Edit Game Details option. To read more about editing a regular season game, please click here.
How do I allocate all the games in a season?
To begin, select appropriate Competition and Season , and then select the Allocations tab and finally the Game Slots sub-tab. The Game Slot view allows you to view, allocate, and move the games in each round's game slot. For a step-by-step guide, please click here.
How do I allocate participants to teams?
To begin, you will need to access the relevant team page to which you would like to allocate a player to. Within the players section, click on “+Allocate Player” to allocate players to the team. For more information about allocating a player, please click here.
I’m an association administrator; how do I invite clubs to participate in a competition season?
Select the appropriate Competition and Season tiles, then choose the Registration tab and the Club sub-tab. Next, click the Set Up or Manage button. After entering the required details, click the Save button. The following link will assist you in inviting clubs to participate in a competition: Inviting Clubs.
How do I set up Finals Eligibility for a competition?
For new competitions you will see a Finals Eligibility toggle on the “Grade Default Settings” page when creating a competition. Once the toggle is turned on, you will be able to enter the minimum number of games a participant needs to play to be eligible for finals. To read more about finals eligibility, please click here.
How do I enable transfers for a competition?
When creating a new competition, scroll down to the bottom of the first page to activate the Transfers toggle. For an already existing competition, select the competition tile, then the settings tab, and then general sub-tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to enable the transfers. To read more about transfers, please click here.
I’m a club admin; how do I configure club awards?
To configure awards, select the appropriate competition and season, then select the Teams tab. Click the Configure awards button to create and set up the awards for every team in the club. Alternatively, to set up awards for teams individually, select the view button of the relevant team and then click on Awards sub-tab. For a step-by-step guide, please click here.
How do I enter scores using Game Day?
Select the Game Day option from the main menu, then click the Calendar icon to choose the date and select the game for which you would like to enter the score. Click the Update Changes button to confirm the game score updates. For a step-by-step guide, please click here.
How do I change the ladder’s public visibility setting?
To configure the visibility of a ladder, start by selecting the relevant competition and season. From the grades listing section, choose the grade for which you want to update the ladder's visibility. Next, navigate to the Settings tab and then click on the Game sub-tab. Once there, scroll down to the bottom of the page, update the visibility setting, and save the changes. For a step-by-step guide, please click here.
Can we record a non-game incident in PlayHQ?
To create a non-game incident in PlayHQ, click on Incidents tab in the main menu. Click on non-game sub-tab, and then click onCreate a non-game incident button. Search for and select a participant. Enter the incident details and click on create incident button to save the details. For more details about a non-game incident, please click here.
How can we enter scores via the E-scoring platform?
Association admins can activate a club’s access to E-scoring by toggling the Allow clubs to enter scores via electronic scoring option under competition settings. To learn more about how to change this setting, please click here.